Who we are
Thomas Deane Trust is a (very) small family-run charity supporting organisations by making grants for projects that chime with the interests of the founders.
Thomas Deane Trust (TDT) is funded, effectively, by three Thomases. The primary source of the funding is the savings and investments made by husband and wife Eric Thomas and Joyce Thomas over their lives, mostly left as legacies to their children. Daughter Sue Thomas (together with her partner Kathryn Deane) decided that most of Sue Thomas’s share of her parents’ legacy should be given away to charitable causes. The trust’s activities therefore represent the interests of all these people.
The trust’s endowment is approximately £425,000. Clearly, this is not enough for a permanent trust, nor is it our intention to raise other funds for future work; we intend to give away this £425k over the course of 2019 to 2021 and then close the trust.
TDT is a family-run charitable trust. Key trustees, therefore, are family members. They sit as trustees, however, not only for that reason but because of their combined knowledge, skills and understanding. Together, they have the attributes needed to successfully run a grant-making charity.