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Grants awarded


This is a full list of Thomas Deane Trust grants awarded to date, in alphabetical order of organisation name. For each grant, the information is listed in the same way:


  • Organisation name

  • Project title

  • Intended outcome

  • Theme(s)

  • Grant awarded; funding round applied to

  • Grantee summary

  • Project summary



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Citizens Advice Colchester

Advice Assistant pilot  

A value for money way of supporting debt advice work clients

Advice work

£26,000, round 1


Citizens Advice has 80 years’ experience of providing free, impartial and confidential advice on a broad range of social welfare and civil legal advice topics. The network of independent charities across England and Wales, operating from approximately 2,300 locations, helps 2.6 million people annually. Last year Citizens Advice solved the problems of 7-in-10 of the people, and 9-in-10 would recommend the service to a friend.


Half of the population in the UK are stressed about debts. The Money and Pensions Service estimates that 8m people need debt advice each year, but currently only around 1m people receive any. Things have got to change if we are to improve these figures: we need to support both Citizens Advice clients and debt advisers better and we believe that this pilot project will help us do just that.


With the support of Citizens Advice’s head office, Citizens Advice Colchester is using this grant to design, implement and evaluate a new Advice Assistant role for debt advice. The role will help clients through their debt advice journey, creating efficiencies which will result in more clients getting advice. If this project succeeds, it will be a gamechanger for Citizens Advice’s clients once rolled out through the Citizens Advice network in England and Wales.




Media Lounge instruments

Equipping Manchester-based Contact’s new Media Lounge with instruments so that more young people can take part in music-making

Community art

£15,000, round 1


Manchester-based Contact is where young people change their lives through the arts. The company brings together young people and local, national and international artists to create important theatre productions, while free year-round creative and leadership projects build skills, confidence and ambition. Young people are represented on all working groups, deciding artistic programming, appointing staff and acting as full board members. 


Recent years have seen a steady increase in participants, especially for music projects, beyond the capacity of Contact’s old building. So Contact is undergoing a major capital redevelopment, creating a home for the next generation of artists, audiences and creative leaders. The brand new Media Lounge with recording studio and live music space will enable more young people to take part in free music workshops and develop their talent with professional musicians; and this grant will enable the fitting-out of the lounge with instruments.




London Philharmonic Orchestra

Open Sound

Developing a new, fully inclusive, out of school music-making ensemble model

Community art

£10,000, round 1


The LPO aims to bring wonder to the modern world through the power of orchestral music. We seek to inspire audiences, excite musicians and enrich people the world over through exceptional performance, recording, and education and community  projects. Over 30,000 individuals participate in our Education and Community Programme each year and our beneficiaries include young people in both formal and informal education sectors, disabled people, teenagers, adult learners and young, talented  musicians whom we assist with entry into the music business.


Open Sound is the London Philharmonic Orchestra's new out of school ensemble which aims to support the musical progression, personal development and social musical opportunities of disabled young people aged 5 - 18 in South East London. This grant will enable us to develop a regionally scalable ensemble model to sustain and develop activity across a wider area to benefit more disabled young people.



Up Men Choir

Regular singing activity for men, especially those who might self-identify as being at risk of marginalisation

Community art

£3,600, round 1


Restoke is an arts organisation which puts the people of Stoke on Trent at the heart of artistic adventures. We produce performances in surprising locations – from pottery factories to working men’s clubs. We work with the people of Stoke on Trent and professional artists in dance, music and spoken word to create our performances and programmes, driven by the stories, talents and commitments of those who take part.


In 2018 Restoke, and a group of men from Stoke on Trent, co-devised and performed Man Up – a gritty, humorous and revealing performance from the frontlines of masculinity and mental health. We noticed that singing together had a profound effect on the group. So this grant will support the development of the Up Men Choir to offer the opportunity for more men to come together to sing and perform polyphonic songs from around the world.


In 2019, the project won an Epic Award - the premier awards for voluntary arts and creative groups across the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.


Wakefield Hospice

Feelings in Focus

Bereavement support provided through the medium of photography

End of life care, community art

£14,612, round 1


Wakefield Hospice is a purpose built unit in the heart of West Yorkshire that provides expert palliative and end-of-life care and bereavement support. This grant pays for a new photography project at the hospice that encourages individuals facing an end of life diagnosis or bereavement to explore thoughts, feelings and emotions through the taking of images. The project overcomes any language or communication barriers and offers an alternative support structure to a younger audience.

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